Friday, June 18, 2010

Our Country Needs Strong and Good Leaders

"To lead people, walk beside them … As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next, the people hate … When the best leader’s work is done the people say,  We did it ourselves!"

 - Lao-Tsu

Our country is experiencing tough times.  Especially now, we need leaders that don't just make a lot of empty campaign promises but actually have a record of working hard to help and inspire the people of our country in achieving their goals and dreams.  These are not easy times for sure, but with good counsel and great leadership the American people will rise to meet new challenges and perservere these hardships.  I believe our great nation because of the strength of our leaders and people will once again stand at the front of all other countries in the world soon enough!  As Delaware's Miss Teen All American, I'm fortunate to meet our State's political leadership at various events throughout the State.  Today I was fortunate to spend a few minutes with Congressman Mike Castle and our senior US Senator Tom Carper.  Both men took a personal interest in me as a high school student and wanted to know how I felt our country was doing.

One thing is certain, in Delaware we are very lucky to have men like Mike Castle and Tom Carper serving us.  I am proud to have gotten to know them and learned some important things from each of them today at the Delmarva Chicken Festival in Dover, Delaware.  Our economy in Delaware is dependent on agriculture.  Chicken farming is one of our State's major industries.  Most all of the corn and soybeans raised in Delaware stay in Delaware to feed the Purdue, Mountaire Farms and Holly Farm chicken flocks scheduled for American tables across the country.  Good luck and God speed to Mike Castle and Tom Carper as they work hard to represent the needs of Delawareans in Washington!

One thing for sure, don't ever be afraid to voice your opinion and be heard especially when you're in the company of our nation's leaders.  The United States is a democracy; "... by the people, of the people and for the people."  So get involved, our country needs us.  Your voice, opinion and vote counts!

And, oh by the way, please eat more chicken.   Not only is it nutritious and good for you BUT it helps the people of my state of Delaware!

Until next time...

Kristyn Z