n pl -ties
1. distress; affliction; hardship
2. an unfortunate event or incident
Here are some tips that you should consider implementing today. Do not wait until the next time one of life's storms blows your way. You will be astounded at the difference these simple changes can make in your life and how they will enable you bravely to turn adversity into opportunity.
1. Erase the negativity: Avoid allowing someone's past experience to influence you in your present situation. So often when adversity strikes, friends and relatives cannot wait to tell you how devastatingly similar our situation is to one they endured. Not meaning to be negative, they tell you how they may never fully recover from their adversity, but hope things go better for you.
Then, as if to add a note of spirituality and hope, they assure you they will keep you in their prayers, (all of which sounds nice but often means they think you will probably not survive the adversity without direct intervention from the Almighty). Combine the negative thoughts expressed by others with the negativity you already feel, and you have a recipe for real disaster.
Whenever you encounter negative words from others, overrule them just as a judge overrules an objection made in court. He simply throws the objection out and warns the jury to disregard it. That is just what you need to do: overrule the negativity and throw it out. "I simply refuse to think that way" is a good response next time someone attempts to plant negative seeds in your life.
Take control of your thoughts and refuse to allow seeds of negativity to take root and grow in your life. Turn them away when they arrive at your mind's front door. Just do not accept delivery. You are, after all, in charge of your thoughts, so take charge.
2. Remember to look at the Big Picture: Napoleon Hill said, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve." Unfortunately, most people confronted with adversity can only envision themselves in the middle of trouble. If they attempt to look forward, they envision only the worst, and never the best, of what the future could hold.
Instead, next time trouble invades your life, keep your eyes on the big picture. Envision a time in your future when whatever the adversity you now face will be past and that it has actually helped you achieve a new level of success. Think about it. Feel it in your being. Keep the vision alive. Let it become so real that it is almost seems like an accomplished fact.
One of the greatest principles in the universe is the Law of Prosperity and Success. This incredible law has stood the test of time, proving repeatedly that we become what we define ourselves to be; we become our own mental picture of ourselves. Think of how amazing that is. Think of the control that gives us in moulding and shaping our lives.
Marcus Aurelius understood that immutable law. He said, "A (person's) life is what their thoughts make it."
Ralph Waldo Emerson understood the law also. He wrote, "A man is what he thinks about all day long."
The Bible also teaches the same truth, "What a (person) thinks in their heart, so do they become." (Proverbs 23:7)
Ralph Waldo Emerson understood the law also. He wrote, "A man is what he thinks about all day long."
The Bible also teaches the same truth, "What a (person) thinks in their heart, so do they become." (Proverbs 23:7)
The Law of Prosperity and Success directs that while there are many things in life you cannot decide, your level of success is not one of them.
However, remember, this timeless law is a two-edged sword. By continuing to see yourself as a failure, as someone too inept to deal with life's problems, or as someone who is not smart enough, good looking enough, witty enough, charismatic enough, or worthy enough, you will achieve the status you have envisioned. How you mentally see yourself is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Do not make the mistake of letting adversity define you. Keep the big picture always in view.
It is as if God has set success and failure before you and asks you to choose which one you want for your life. The ball is in your court. It is up to you.
It is as if God has set success and failure before you and asks you to choose which one you want for your life. The ball is in your court. It is up to you.
3. Use visual reminders of your dreams. You may be wondering how it is possible to create and retain a positive image of yourself and your future. Try this:
Cut out pictures of what your successful life will look like once you have achieved it. Make them colourful pictures of the things that really represent success to you.
Put them up throughout your house, especially in places where you will look at them often. For example, a bathroom mirror is a great place to hang a few of them. Not only can you see the pictures, you can see yourself in the mirror so you can remind yourself that "this is where I'm headed; this is where I want to be."
You will be amazed at how powerful colourful images that relate to your dreams and goals can inspire you, especially during times of adversity. They will help you to keep you vision positive by making it real.
4. Welcome to your future. Adversity is part of life, but it does not have the ability to shape your future unless you relinquish that privilege. Your power to determine your future success or failure is awesome.
I sincerely wish I had learned this powerful principle earlier in life. Nevertheless, regardless of age, each of us has something in common. We can determine our success or failure through the simple act of self-definition.
How will you choose to define yourself? Be specific. Do not use general terms combined with general visualizations. It is not enough to say, "I want to be rich and famous . . . or, I want to be the CEO of a major corporation."
Be your own Michelangelo. Be specific about each part of the future you are creating. For example, "I want to be known as a computer applications guru. I want to be one of the top five most knowledgeable people in the world when it comes to my niche. People will beat a pathway to my door just to seek my advice." What definition! That is exciting.
You and I have one more thing in common: Our future begins now. So, where are you headed? How have you chosen to define yourself?
Welcome to your future!
Until next time...
Kristyn Z.